© 2025 State Bicycle Co. - UK & EU.
It's pretty surreal but State Bicycle Co. has been kicking around for five years now. We've come a long way since that first year of existence: one of enthusiasm, unpredictability and one hell of a learning curve. Looking back to where we stand today, there is one thing we are happy has not changed: we're still in this for the fun of it.
As we surpass this fortunate milestone in our history, we thought you all would get a kick out of some of our favorite early memories, ideas, submissions, antics, blunders and otherwise uncategorizables. We dug pretty deep into our archives and unearthed some real gems, permanently destroyed others and selected some of our favorites to share with you.
We hope you all enjoy the absurdity and remember: everyone's gotta start somewhere.
State Bicycle Company: on that bikes-lined-up-against-an-artsy-mural game since 2009
"Killer Bee": a proto wu-tang collab design. It was destiny...
The OG's of this thing: Scott, Jesse & B-Hard @ the ASU Crit
Note: B-Hard's vintage, youth small Barkley jersey
We've been working on a prototype for years. Butter Bicycle Co. in 2015.
Truer words have never been spoken.
If State Bicycle Co. were a Christian emo record label, we'd be all over this.
Getting a serious law enforcement vibe here. Think we'll pass.
AC/DC font + Texas Bull ≠ Not out logo
"I don't think anybody is going to see this logo and think State Bicycle Company. Also, the "S" looks like a "9". Want to give it another shot?"
On August 25, 2010, a talented young man brimming with confidence sent us the following email asking State Bicycle Co. to sponsor him. This young man was none other than Jesse Robles and he would go on to become one our most competitive and acclaimed riders. Trust us when we say that this is the sponsorship request letter to end all sponsorship request letters.
There are just way too many gems contained within this letter to point out so we'll just let you read it in all its glory. Our personal favorite part (and what undoubtedly landed him the sponsorship) were the pictures attached to his email. The best of which were:
1. Picture of Jesse surrounded by babes ✔
2. Glossy-style autographed action shot ✔
3. Leg Selfie ✔
How could we say no?
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